The Heir of Frankenstein
Designer: Dan Blanchett
Artists: Mikhail Palamarchuk, Tony Sart
Publisher: Plaid Hat Games
Description: A competitive worker-placement game that has players fighting to be the first to create their own living creature.
Click here to see this game on BGG
Players: 2 - 4
Playing Time: 90 - 180 Minutes
Ages: 13+
Gameplay Videos
Tom Teaches how to setup a game of Abomination: The Heir of Frankenstein
Tom Teaches how to play a game of Abomination: The Heir of Frankenstein and plays through a full game.
DIY Storage Solution
Use the videos BELOW to learn how to make these boxes and trays.
Click here to download the PDFs for these boxes!
(The player boxes are available, but the general-supply boxes are still pending approval.)
Use this video to learn how to the pocket dividers used to hold and organize the location advancement cards.
Use this video to learn how to make all of the boxes and trays for this game.