Designer: Günter Burkhardt
Artist: Stephanie Böhm
Publisher: HABA
Description: A competitive resource management game that uses a very unique and clever card-mechanic to drive action selection. This game is touted as one of the best introductions to resource management for younger kids or those new to gaming.
Click here to see this game on BGG
Player: 2 - 5
Playing Time: 30 - 45 Minutes
Ages: 8+
Gameplay Videos
DIY Storage Solution
Click here to download these boxes.
This link will take you to a page with 4 different files:
- Colored Player Boxes for White Paper
- Black/White Player Boxes for Colored Paper
- Action Disk and Wooden Markers Box
- Deck Box for Barter and Bonus Cards
(It'll take some time for all 4 files to be there, please be patient.... They're on their way...)
Use the videos BELOW to learn how to make these box!
Use this video to learn how to make the small player boxes. They use the same template I made for my Tiny Towns boxes.
Use this video to learn howo to make the box(es) for the action discs and wodden markers.
Use this video to learn how to make the the Barter and Bonus Cards box.