Designer: Andrea Chiarvesio, Eric M. Lang
Artist: Édouard Guiton
Publisher: CMON Limited, Spin Master Games
Description: A very light cooperative card game that pits your favorite Marvel super heroes against their worst enemies.
Click here to see this game on BGG
Players: 2-4
(an official solo-mode is included in the box)
Playing Time: 40 Minutes
Ages: 14+
DIY Storage Solution (Any/All Content)
Use THIS video to learn how to make and customize this storage solution to store tons of Marvel United content..
Click here to access the files that contain:
Customizable Minis Boxes
Base-Game Only Dividers
The Cards Box (If you only have a few characters)
Click here to download the Dividers for ALL of the characters. (The file is too big for BGG)
Click these links to access the dividers for the individual expansions:
This is how I store all content in 3 boxes.
This is how I store all content in two boxes (by keeping the glove and cardboard locations out)
DIY Storage Solution (Minis Trays)
Click here to download any of these PDFs, scroll all the way to the bottom.
Use the video BELOW to help you make these boxes.
Use THIS video to learn how to make these minis trays.
DIY Storage Solution (Base Game Only)
Click here to download any of these PDFs, scroll all the way to the bottom.
Use the video BELOW to help you make these boxes.
Use THIS video to learn how to make the large card box with the dividers.