Twin Stars
Twin Stars
Adventure Series 1
Adventure Series 1
Designers: Mike Mullins, Jason Tagmire
Artist: Luke Milton
Publisher: Button Shy Games
Description: A solo game of dice-rolling adventure.
Click here to see this game on BGG
Players: 1
Playing Time: 15 - 30 Minutes
Ages: 8+
Gameplay Videos
Gameplay Videos
Scenario 1: Escape the Brig
Scenario 1: Escape the Brig
Tom Teaches how to set up Scenario 1: Escape the Brig in this video.
Tom Teaches you how to flee from the guards in this Solo Gameplay video.
Scenario 2: Confine the Quarks!
Scenario 2: Confine the Quarks!
Tom teaches how to set up Twin Stars -- Scenario 2: Confine the Quarks!
Tom plays through Twin Stars -- Scenario 2: Confine the Quarks!