Rajas of the Ganges
Rajas of the Ganges
Designers: Inka Brand, Markus Brand
Artist: Dennis Lohausen
Publisher: HUCH!
Description: A competitive worker-placement game that uses dice as resources and some carcasone-like tile laying motivating an interesting scoring mechanism that has players racing to be the first to get two point-trackers to meet "somewehre in the middle."
Click here to see this game on BGG
Players: 2 - 4
Playing Time: 45 - 75 Minutes
Ages: 12+
Gameplay Videos
Gameplay Videos
Tom teaches how to setup a game of Rajas of the Ganges and shows off his dice-holder storage-solution thing.
Tom teaches how to play a game of Rajas of the Ganges and plays through a full 2-player game.
DIY Storage Solution
DIY Storage Solution